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Forms and Days of Self Denial

Secular Carmelites will strive to live lives of simplicity and gentle austerity, witnessing to the joy of embracing the Gospel in its fullness.

In addition to the days of fasting and of abstinence proper to the Church of the USA and responding to the encouragement of our bishops “to prepare for each Church festival by a day of particular self-denial, penitential prayer and fasting” (NCCB Pastoral Statement “Penitent Discipline” to the US, Washington, DC, 1966) and to our Carmelite traditions, unless excused by reasons of illness or age, we will observe the following:

a) Members will fast on the Vigils of the following feast days:

March 19

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

July 16

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

July 20

The Prophet Elijah

October 1

St. Thérèse

October 15

Holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus

November 14

All Carmelite Saints

December 14

Holy Father St. John of the Cross

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